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The British Sleep Society (BSS) is a professional organisation for medical, scientific and healthcare workers dealing with sleeping disorders. We are also here to help sleep practitioners in the private field. We are a registered British charity and our ultimate aim is to improve public health by promoting education and research into sleep and its disorders.

This site caters for anyone with a passion for and interest in sleep and sleep disorders, including our professional membership, lay public and media.

But much of the site’s content is only available to BSS members, so please click the link below to find out how you can join us!

BSS Membership Benefits

Discount registration to BSS conference & courses

Associate membership with ESRS

Access to bursaries and travel grants for BSS events

Discount to the BMJ

Discount to joint ARTP membership

Access to On demand BSS webinars

ANSS/ESRS Membership

Did you know that the British Sleep Society have associate society membership with ESRS? This means you have access to the ESRS newsletter, web page and a wide range of information and educational programs.

Click here to visit their website


Become a BSS member here


Look at all current events here

Latest News

How Gardening Plants Seeds for Better Sleep

    Gardening is more than a mere hobby. Gardening has been increasingly recognized for its profound ability to improve sleep quality. This connection is rooted in a blend of physical activity,…

    PGCert Sleep Medicine – expressions of interest now open!

      Expressions of interest: In 2023, and in conjunction with employers and the British Sleep Society, the National School of Healthcare Science developed a new training pathway. NHS England is…

      Disclaimer: The British Sleep Society (BSS) does not represent, warrant or guarantee that any of its members have expertise in sleep science or medicine. We do not endorse or approve of any of the individuals, agencies, clinics or groups  named as members of the Society, and we accept no responsibility in respect of the same. Please ensure you independently verify the experience and skills of any practitioner you wish to consult. If you have any queries about membership of the Society, please contact the BSS head office at